Sunday, August 23, 2009

DIY Bucha

Today I am going to tell you how my friend made his Lord Ganesha Bucha. According to him one must find a beautifully made empty Bucha.The Bucha must be as perfect as one can find. I mean all facial and bodily features must be clearly defined and complete. Size can be anything according to ones liking. But preferably some Feng Shui measurement taken into account.

Than come the ingredients. He collected 7 small Lord Ganesha pendants from various popular temples, some made of metals(brass, lead etc) and non-metallic (plaster, brown soil, wahns etc) and placed it inside the empty Bucha. He than cover it plaster of paris.

Next stage bring it to the temple and left it with the Chief monk for 7 days for them to pray. Usually they will add some Yan at the base of the Bucha.

The longer the better.